Tag Archives: martial arts and focus

Build Your Child’s Focus With Martial Arts

Unless you have li8-17-2014 3-56-58 PMved your life under a rock, you have probably heard that Martial Arts training is a great way to help build a child’s focus and concentration. Have you ever asked yourself, “What is it about Martial Arts that does this”? Why does Martial Arts have such a strong association with focus and concentration?

Well, if you have ever done any research on methods to build a child’s focus and concentration, you have probably found that there are many games, exercises and drills that are recommended to be done on a regular basis, and over time you will see some positive results. One thing you will notice about the recommended games, drills and exercises is that they all have one thing in common: they all involve some type of activity that forces the child to really think and concentrate on what they are doing in order to effectively participate.

For instance, some common recommendations would be to have a child do crossword puzzles and mazes, etc., play board games such as Memory, or play various mind games that involve counting and remembering numbers, etc. In fact, we offer these types of activities in our FREE Razor Sharp Focus on-line mini-course.

The key to building a child’s focus and concentration then, is to get them to do activities that will force them to think about and concentrate on what they are doing in order to effectively participate in those activities. Well people, there is no activity that forces you to concentrate on what you are doing more than Martial Arts training. In order to learn and effectively execute even the most basic techniques and combinations of Martial Arts, you must direct all of your focus and concentration to them when training.

Now this is probably the biggest piece of the puzzle, but other factors also need to be present. First, there has to be an incentive for the child to want to dedicate all of his/her attention to the task at hand… a reward or a goal to reach. In Martial Arts, there is a built-in incentive system of goal setting and achievement, in the form of belt/rank advancement. When the child completes all of the requirements of their present rank, they are awarded with a new belt and an advancement in rank. Also, most Martial Arts schools have a striping system in which students earn a series of stripes on their belts in between each rank advancement, giving them even shorter-term goals and more incentive for them to focus on their training. With lots of positive reinforcement from their instructors, kids can’t help but get excited to reach their next goal.

Finally, the activity has to be fun for the child. Think like the child for a second… why would a child give something his/her undivided attention unless it was fun for him/her? When children have fun participating in an activity, they will want to give that activity all of their focus and attention. A good Martial Arts program for children is going to involve drills and games that are fun for the children and incorporate the various Martial Arts skills that are taught in the program, so much of the actual training is somewhat disguised.

Obviously, I highly recommend Martial Arts training to build and strengthen focusing skills in children for the reasons stated above. A good Martial Arts program can greatly enhance their focus and concentration, which in turn will help them to earn better grades in school and be more successful in life. When you combine various drills and exercises to work in tandem with Martial Arts training, such as the ones we offer in our FREE Razor Sharp Focus on-line mini-course, you will get optimal results.

Take the first step in building your child’s focus and Click Here to
participate in our FREE Razor Sharp Focus on-line mini-course.


Keep up the good fight!


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